Following the launch of DreamPlay X and XC, Kalista unveils a universal DAC, perfectly matching the DreamPlay X SACD Transport.

Mantax continues the luxurious and distinctive design lineage of the French brand.
For DreamPlay X users seeking a D/A converter capable of matching the caliber of their SACD transport, we have addressed this demand with Mantax.
The communication between DreamPlay X and Mantax is ensured through the proprietary I2S signal for a perfect reproduction of native sound. The digital-to-analog conversion is carried out by two separate lines of processors, providing ample possibilities for sound profile customization.
Therefore, MANTAX represents a high-quality solution for discerning audiophiles aiming to make the most of their CDs and SACDs, as well as all their digital music, with impeccably faithful conversion and exceptional sound reproduction.